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Denteractive Offers More than Just a Way to Talk to a Dentist Online

Talking to a dentist when you want. In many ways, that’s the central appeal of Denteractive. Scheduling a dental appointment, whether it’s an initial meeting, a follow-up, a second opinion, or anything else, can be difficult. In the back of your mind, unless you’re in pain, you might have that feeling of “is this really necessary?” during a pandemic like the one we’re currently experiencing, that voice is likely to be louder still. However, Denteractive has many more benefits in addition to just being able to talk to a dentist online. 

See and Talk to a Dentist Online 

Denteractive isn’t just like talking to a dentist on the phone. Sure, if that’s the way you want to use it, you can, but Denteractive makes it possible to videoconference with a dentist. That way, the dentist can see you. Instead of the dentist asking “what’s wrong” and you trying to figure out exactly how to explain what’s wrong, the dentist can see. Moreover, they’ll be able to see clearly through our powerful app. From there, they’ll have everything that they need to be able to make a proper diagnosis. 

Talk to a Dentist Online

Find a Dentist Online 

Before you talk to a dentist through our app, the app can help you to find a dentist, too. If you’re like so many of us, it’s difficult to find a dentist in your area that you can trust to be the best for your particular situation. Sure, there are plenty of online ratings and that kind of thing, but how often do you really go looking for a dentist? It’s hard to know who to trust. That’s one of the reasons we built our app: we wanted to be able to offer people a way to connect to board certified dental professionals in their area. Before we let a dentist on our app, our dental professionals vet them. That way, you can rest assured that they can provide you with the kinds of quality services you deserve. 

Talk to a Dentist at Any Time 

What Denteractive does, in many ways, is to connect you to a dentist and keep you connected. Once a dentist’s office hours end, it can feel like there’s no way to talk to one. Unfortunately, dental emergencies and dental pain don’t work on a 9 AM to 5 PM schedule. They don’t take off holidays or weekends. Few things are worse than having to deal with massive dental pain very late at night. That’s one more way our app can help: connecting you to someone at all times. https://denteractive.com/user/public/emergency


A Dentist In Your Area 

If you’re like most people, eventually, at some point in your life, you will have to talk to a dentist in person. Denteractive can help with that, too. You can use our app to find dentists available in your area. That way, you can find one that meets all of your needs within driving distance. You can download our app here.